The End of Days: Why This Book Now?
Please don’t leap to the conclusion that there’s something urgently meaningful about the timing of this book. I promise you have time to read it more than once before the end of life on Earth.
Actually, there are several reasons this book was at the top of my priority list. Many of them I’ll discuss as the book progresses, in the context of the chapters themselves. But one of the most important reasons is also one of the most obvious: I’ve never been asked more often than I have been
in the past couple of years about when the end of days is coming. What about the Second Coming of Christ? When should we start looking for Him? Or is He here now?
Is the Antichrist here already, and if not, when will he show up and who will he be? How literally should we take the biblical book of Revelation? Is the Rapture really going to happen? Nostradamus made it sound as if the Antichrist is among us right now, and the Mayan calendar specifically says the
world will end in 2012, which is right around the corner. Is that true? If not, when will it end, and how?
When a subject comes up repeatedly among my clients, I naturally start wondering what’s causing the “coincidence.” (You do know there’s no such thing, right?) And I have a couple of theories. One is that maybe, in the wake of all the millennium Y2K hysteria—and let’s face it, hysteria is not too strong a word—there’s a general feeling of having dodged a bullet, as if we somehow escaped an inevitability of total destruction and we’re now living on borrowed time. Another related theory is that apocalyptic books, articles, television specials, and church sermons were wildly popular
at the turn of this century, and even though the (imaginary)
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